Originally posted by Bubblehead:
Originally posted by Rudik:
[b] Scarface is way overrated. The plot is ok, but what make the movie soo good is Pacinos acting.
that is the whole point of movies is to have excellent actors who can make a so called "overrated" movies an unforgettable hit. Scarface is NOT overrated. [/b]
No, excellent actors do NOT mean an excellent movie. All actors, at least all that I can think of at the moment, have been in some pretty bad movies and in a lot of them, the acting wasn't bad. A movie has plenty to do with direction, dialogue, and of course the actual story.

Scarface (in my opinion) is overrated. Yeah, Pacino's performance is terrific (what else is new?) but its really just a movie about a guy who makes it from nothing to something by shooting his way to the top. Its a good movie, don't get me wrong, but has little depth or emotion to it.

"The toe you stepped on yesterday may be attached to the ass you have to kiss today."
-Former Mayor of Providence, RI, Vincent "Buddy" Cianci