Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
 Originally Posted By: SC
What a wonderful picture, TIS!! There's no doubt about your girls being sisters (or you being their mother).

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Yeah the resemblance is uncanny.No one in my family looks the same....

I'm with you Whisper, look at this picture of me and my Dad and brother. I'm a freaking giant in my family, plus the only one with blond hair (it's hard to tell in that lighting). Hmmm....

By the way, I think this is the only picture in history where my Dad is not smiling. Instead he's just being a dork.

Wow Blibble your like a man mountain im definetly not messing with you

If i come across the table and take your f*****g eyes out ,will you remember

Aniello Dellacroce
TFI 2nd Bday - Dj Topgroove + Mc Domer

TFI Lucky Star

Happy Hardcore DJ Hixxy