Originally Posted By: J Geoff
 Originally Posted By: SC
I've seen Geoff in a foul mood, but never seen him in the mood for fowl.

You haven't seen some of the turkeys I've ended up with

Maybe I shouldn't tell this story, but what the hell....

About 2 years ago, Geoff was really in the mood to get laid, but didn't have a date. He had $5 in his pocket, so he went to this cheap whorehouse. He explained to the madam that he only had five dollars but he was desperate.

She looked at him, grabbed the $5 and took him to a room, opened the door and introduced him to a turkey.

Geoff was perplexed and asked the madam what was going on.

She explained that the turkey is all he could get for $5.

Geoff agreed, and she left the room.

A few minutes later she came running back to the room because of these loud crackling noises. She opened the door only to find Geoff plucking the feathers out of the turkey who was running around wildly.

The madam yelled out, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING"?

Geoff replied, "Hell, for $5 I want her naked".
