Well, I really made a "big deal" out of this dinner. I woke up and made homemade Apple Crisp, I found a banana cake receipe in my cookbook and baked a cake. Only, I screwed up the cake and don't know why? \:\( It sunk i n the middle.

The Prime Rib came out perfect. It was moist, tender and melted you your mouth. I couldn't wait to take a taste as I was practically standing guard by the oven.

My sons-in-law both asked, "what's the occasion?" And not only that, they both suggested making this next Thanksgiving instead of turkey. So I think I hit a home run. Oh, and the gravy, was probably the best I've ever made (although I learned to never make gravy because it always comes out chunky) I took SB's advice and used corn starch instead of flour and it was too perfect.

DC, thanks for the receipe. I now know I will be cooking it again. For anyone who loves prime rib, give it a try. It'll simply melt in your mouth. To hell with a lopsided cake, I'm having prime rib for breakfast. (and I will too) ;\)

I'm gonna try to send SC's and Beth's portions, but as I am having breakfast, I think I simply won't have enough. \:p


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon