I've been thinking of writing some Sopranos fan fiction just like BDuff has already done, but my stories would likely cover prequel stories. I just wanted to run by a possible idea for the Unrest of '83 that I wanted to run by everyone to see what they think of the idea so here it goes:

Tony Soprano and Jackie Aprile have robbed Feech LeManna's card game and Feech is furious. The caporegimes sit down with Dominick DiMeo to discuss the situation (Feech, Junior, Johnny Boy plus a few others) and Feech obviously wants Tony and Jackie's head on a plate, but because of Junior, Johnny Boy and several Aprile relatives it is decided that they'll get a pass. Feech is upset, but accepts the ruling of his boss, but the tension is created between Johnny Boy and Feech. A few years later and Feech is arrested (20 years), but several in Feech's crew blame Johnny Boy for setting up Feech to get arrested, which leads to tension. The unrest would not blow into anything huge since Feech's crew does not have the muscle to go up against Johnny Boy plus Junior who would inevitably help his brother.

I don't know if and when I'll get around to actually writing this, but this was an idea I wanted to throw out to see what people thought.