Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Maybe they could hire the former CEO of Krispy Kreme. I hear he's looking for a job right now. Now, there's a chain I love!!!

True True True -- goes to show when companies / organizations try to grow too quick w/o a solid plan.

I unfortunately love Krispy Kreme as well!

I remember the first time I had one - back in 1998. I was working for the BSA and living in LaCrosse, Wisconsin at the time. The CEO and I were traveling to Nashville, TN for a Conference. It was kind of a road trip as it took us several days, golf, eating , and drinking along the way. My boss said we have to have Krispy Kreme when we were in Indianapolis (his home town. I told him I never heard of them and he was shocked! He said it was Elvis's favorite do-nut and we had eat them warm. Well, if Elvis liked it -- I knew it could not be too bad LOL. I loooooved them. I think I ate at least a dozen that morning. When we moved to Kansas City, I was fortunate (or unfortunate) as there are several in the area and all near my offfices or house!

Every Thursday morning at 7 am I have a Service Club Meeting at Denny's (of all places \:\( ) As I leave, I get the whiff of Krispy Kreme next door to Denny's and have to kick, punch and scratch myself to make sure I get in the car instead of stopping off to polish off a dozen or so of these heavenly delights!

One last Krispy Kreme story before I either bore ya or force myself to stop by on the way home. Two years ago the Kansas City Royals used to have a promotion with Krispy Kreme. Every time the Royals eaked out 12 hits in a game -- your ticket stup was good for one dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. Well, we are talking Royals baseball here - so needless to say it was not often it happened. But for Royals fans (which I am not) it gave them something to hope for -- you knew they were going to get their ass kicked (100 loss season in 4 out of the last 6 seasons) so you could always hope they get at least 12 hits! One time we had an ADA night at the ball game and, of course, the Royals are getting creamed and the stadium emptys late in the game. I stick around as it is a great time to network (and drink) with board members and donors. Well, what do you knwo the Royals come alive and get six hits in the bottom of the ninth -- so yoiur ticket stubbs are worth a dozen donuts. After the game I was scooping the ticket stubbs off the floor of the concourse as the fans that left early just tossed them. I had about 100 stubs. So, you could redeem one ticket stub per day for the next 30 days. So, I went to the three Krispy Kremes on the way to the office every morning and we had plenty for the office -- as you could guess probably not the politically correct food to have at an American Diabetes Association office !:)