First, the media reorted with cerainty that the Culinary Union in Nevada was going to endorse Obama. I have not heard about John Kerry. Whatever the case it is not clear the Culinary Union's endorsement was contingent upon Obama winning the NH Primary. This fact was omitted from all news accounts I saw.
The reporters are supposed to report THE FACTS. I remember the morning of the Benezair Bhutto Assassination when Mika Brezinski was hearing stuff in her ear about the developments and she kept saying to the director ...Can I go with this? Can I go with this, and then she said first that there was a "report" that she could not verify that Bhutto was hit and in hospital. Then she said there was a "report unconfirmed that she was in grave condition" then a "report she had died" and finally a confirmation from Reuters that she was dead. Thats how developing news is reportd properly. You tell the listener, or viewer or reader what is going on. The "unconfirmed report" tells us that we cannot rely on it but that is what is being said. Once it is "confirmed" then we have the facts.

Here they jumped the gun on this Culinary Union thing which is inexcusable, even if they wind up backing Obama. The news was they were considering it, but there were conditions.

As for Kerry's endorsement, I doubt it does much good whether true or untrue. I dont think endorsements mean much. As far as Kerry not endorsing his former running mate, be reminded that Gore did the same thing to Lieberman in 04 when he endorsed Dean.
In both cases there is no love lost betwen the former running mates. Lieberman, who is one of the sneakist lying weasels on th lanet stabbed Gore in the back during the Florida recount, and of course later on he stabbed his own party in the back when he refused to play by the rules. As for Edwards, the Kerry people think he tanked the debate against Cheney and basically ran a lazy campaign with the idea he could get national recognisition to make his own run four years hence if Kerry lost. I do not think these guys are even oon spaking terms. I have also heard that Edwards had some unkind things to say about Kerry's wife.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."