Exactly, screw "Mom and Pop", they were too dumb to start a chain instead of just owning their one store. Starbuck's is awesome. I love their mochas, I just can't afford them.

I don't think Starbuck's is a fad because coffee is a drug. People won't get tired of it.

I used to work as a bellhop in a very nice golf resort and one of my many jobs was to make coffee for the employees. I got so tired of everyone coming into the kitchen and making a mess, that I had to clean up, while telling me stuff like "I don't know what I would do without this coffee!". So for a week I did an experiment. I made nothing but Decaf and nobody noticed. In fact I got all of my usual compliments of "Great coffee as always! What a life saver! I'd be dead asleep right now if it weren't for this coffee!".

Whatever... it's a drug of the mind and body. Whoever is making money from Starbuck's is a genius. I'm jealous.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes