Of course who knows what will really happen, and I may be proven wrong. However, for a long long time now, I have never thought Hillary would be President. I still maintain that's the case. After listening to speeches, reading articles, blogs, etc. I still say there will be surprises. Obama IMHO could very well be that surpise that seemed to come out of the blue. I tend to agree with DT here.

Just as with MacCain being currently in the lead on the Republican side, I am still have my doubts that he'll make it, thinking perhaps Romney or even the longshot Huckabee might win.

I do think this is probably one of the most important election in my lifetime and think this particular time that the polls may be way off in the end. At any rate, it'll be very very interesting for those of us closely following this race. \:\)

On a sidenote, I saw this Obama "swift boating" (by kids) and had to search to make sure that it was a joke and thankfully it is. If you care to browse it has these same kids "swiftboating" all the candidates. Pretty sad really when you think how gullible people can be. But I think they all still will get down and dirty.


Kids Swiftboat

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon