i honestly like scarface because it's entertaining. in all honesty it isn't an oscar winning movie. and the acting is all over the top. but that's what's lovable about it. it's like the original star wars movies. they aren't exactly oscar worthy movies, but they sure as hell kept you at the edge of your seat throughout the whole movie.

about looking up to tony: it's rediculus. it's like trying to look up to vito corleone or mike corleone. no doubt they were both terrific people, especially vito, but in they end they killed people for their money. it's blood money. that life is not worth it. i would rather have a small happy home, then a large unhappy one filled with fear and doubt.

thanks for letting me rant. lol

"strange things happen all the time, and so it goes and so it goes. and the book says, 'we may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us'" - MAGNOLIA