Originally Posted By: klydon1
In another thread I posted about the "waiver wings" served in a local establishment. They can be purchased only up to 5 at a time, and nobody (as of last year) ever ate more than 7 in one seating.

I sampled them twice with friends, and these wings are indescribably hot. The best way to describe it is that a chemical reaction is taking place. Both times I thought I was going to have to be hospitalized. Nonetheless, I'm sure I'll be stupid enough to try them again.

Did you actually have to sign a waiver? So, obviously you could not taste them as your mouth was lierally on fire. Do they have server ready with bread, milk, or sugar?? Did you eat anything else afterwards?

I see the place I mentioned used Red savina sauce which used to be the hottest pepper. There is a new record hot pepper now - the Bhut Jolokia (or something like that) grown in India. I wonder who will try to "build" a wing with Bhut Jolokia Sauce next \:\)

Anyway, you sound like me - stupid enough to try again