My personal opinion is that there are too many rednecks and biggots in this country that will not vote for Obama simply because he is an African-American. Clinton has ravenous support and hatred, even from her own party. The only chance Obama has, in my estimation, is if minorities and young people turn out in record numbers at the polls and vote for him. It's going to take a heck of an effort to overcome the hillbillies/corruption in southern Ohio, the deep south, Texas, and the red states out west.

None of the candidates from either party really inspire me. I will still vote, but politics in this country has become all about deep divisiveness, smearing the opponent, and who spends the most money. These candidates all line up and spout off about improving education, paying down the deficit, and providing universal health coverage. Yet, when the time comes for action, nothing is done. John Edwards, Guiliani, Romney, et al. do not care about these issues - they care about getting elected.

The issues most important to me are (in no particular order) 1) ending the Iraq War, 2) improving the environment and our dependence upon Middle East oil, 3) getting our lagging school systems up to standards, 4) stopping the escalating health care costs for those who are insured, 5) insuring everyone, 6) maintaining the safety of our country and finishing the job in Afghanistan and, if necessary, Pakistan, 7) end the corporate taxbreaks and helping the everyday people of this country by reducing the tax burden, and 8) doing something to help rebuild New Orleans instead of the areas only seen on tv during sporting events.