I agree, TIS. I think that a woman or African-American can be elected, if he/she is the right person, and if gender or race is made an issue, all the better for that candidate, especially someone like Obama, who seems that he could deal with the issue of his lineage with the same appeal and eloquence that John Kennedy dealt with his religion.

Of course, there are those, who won't vote for a candidate because of his/her race, gender, religion, etc., but those people are fewer than they were years ago. There are also those, who will vote for Obama or Clinton because of this too.

By the way, the Clintons are fierce campaigners and hate to lose. She was very complimentary and gracious in her remarks last night, but I expect the gloves to come off as she may need a solid showing in NH. She wore the bull's eye in Iowa, and now Obama has it in NH.