Originally Posted By: dontomasso
DC, I am n0t sure about Edwards. Last time around he couldn't even carry his own state let alone anyplace else. .....On top of that Edwards' wife is a very sick woman and she is likely to deteriorate over the next year. They've got two small children, and I think he needs to be dealing with all that and not the presidency.

Some valid points Don T. Very valid.

But something tells me that this time around more people have begun to embrace Edwards. And the battle that he and his wife took on with her health can actually be a positive for him.

I also feel that in this election many non registered democrats will not vote their own party and will cross party lines. And in doing so I feel that if the democrats want to pull those kinds of votes over to their side, their best shot of doing so is by having Edwards as their man.

If non dems decided to vote democrat in this elecetion, I feel that most would probably feel comfortable voting for Edwards over Obama or Hillary.

I feel that most in this country do NOT think that Obama is Presidential material just yet. I think that many feel that right now, with the country and the world being in the state it is in, that he is not the right man for the job at THIS time.

What's terrible about this election is that republican or democrat, I think that most are going to vote by a process of elimination, rather than voting for who they sincerely feel is the best candidate for the job. Voting for the least of the worse. And again, that apllies to BOTH parties.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.