Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Although many decry Obama's lack of experience, I think it's going to turn out that it will be what appeals to people. They want youth, they want energy, they're sick of the "same old" and they are VERY sick of the established politicians. And if he can bring out the young people, who traditionally don't vote, then he's got an excellent shot.

That's exactly why I think an Edwards-Obama ticket could work. I feel that many from the democratic party like and trust Edwards, and that those from the other parties, if forced to pick a democrat, feel comfortable with Edwards. While there are many who claim that they would vote for Obama as President and trust him to lead this country, there are just as many who may like Obama but just do not feel comfortable with his lack of experience as well as his age, to run this country just yet. Let's be real here, whomever walks into the Presidency has a whole lot to deal with right now both Internationally and Domestically.

And in all probability, those who like Obama but are not sure if he should be the leader of this country right now, would feel more comfortable with an Edwards as their leader than Obama. The youth of this country would still back Obama, even if he were named as a running mate, therefore giving Edwards the youth vote that he currently does not have. And that's why I think if Edwards were to name Obama his running mate, that would be the best scenerio for the democratic party.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.