Huckabee is surprisingly charismatic for a conservative. Romney is the most gracious second place finisher I've ever seen. The silver medal comment was hysterical. As a New Yorker, I really lost a lot of respect for Rudy for his blase attitude toward Iowans and the caucus in general. Fred Thompson should see if he can still get a job with one of the Law And Order franchises.

As for the Dems: Obama's speech really inspired me. It's just setting in that he's the first real Presidential contender from my generation. Edwards 2nd place finish is huge for him. I think Obama-Edwards gives the Dems their best shot.

I know it's early, blah, blah, blah, but I'm gonna' say it anyway----Hillary is toast. Likeability counts, and no one really likes her, not even the people who are backing her. Did you notice the faces in her entourage? For someone who has been using "change" as her theme, there were an awful lot of tired old faces in her crew----read: 90's Dems.

If you want real change you have to change the type of person you vote for, not just your party line.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.