What movie outside the Godfather Saga has 2 actors in it who were previously named Don Corleone?

Ocean's Thirteen (2007)

I LOVE heist movies, I really do -- my favorite perhaps! The good ones are SO very clever, that I can't wait to be fooled at the end! Ocean's 11 was like that... Ocean's 12 even was like that... The Score (with the only other Don Corleone) was cool... The Italian Job... As a kid, the Mission: Impossible series was one of my favorites! I love being fooled with such cleverness that I want to award the Nobel Prize to such filmmakers (or writers at least) who'd probably even make the CIA and FBI nervous!

Too bad this wasn't one of those films.

I was thoroughly anticipating "the greatness" coming into this, but was instead thoroughly disappointed in its lack thereof.

The acting was good -- loved seeing Al in the presence of the Ocean's cast! Other than that, I think it fell flat on its face. The editing was horrendous -- so much so, that I couldn't even figure out WTF was going on sometimes! The context was okay, but the story was WEAK! At least weakly told.

I expect A LOT more from an Ocean's movie than this! There wasn't even a twist at the end?! Five minutes into it, it's already going -- great! Then they're going. Fine. Just nothing fancy, and certainly nothing bigger or better than the previous two. But fine. Thrill me in the end again, I'm waiting... but...



The most predictable shit ever, without any originality whatsoever. Incredibly disappointing! I had such high hopes....... \:\/

I might even go so far as to call this a piece of shit. But hell, I give it some slack since it's one of my favor genres and a sequel to one of the best in that genre. (But it still sucked.)

IMDb: 7.1/10
Netflix: 7.2/10
JGeoff: 6/10

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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