Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone

But anyways, at this point, Obama has my vote. I'm a registered Democrat, so I can't really vote in the Republican primaries, but even if I could, I don't know who I'd vote for... None of them really catch my eye. If I really had to, I'd probably just jokingly vote for Ron Paul, because he is pro-legalization, which, while a fine cause by me, is not going to happen anytime soon, and I'd just end up "throwing" my vote away. But even still, if we were to find ourselves in another rut like 2004 involving two bad candidates and an unlikely third party candidate, who seems to be the only one with any integrity left, I'd gladly "throw" my vote away on the underdog.

If you vote for the man or woman you honestly thought would make the best president, you're not throwing your vote away.