Well LBG, you may have opened a real can of worms here. \:o

I don't know about anybody else here, but I have been literally glued to just about everything about this upcoming Presidential race for a very very long time now. I have tried to size up the candidates (moreso the major contenders anyway)I have watched most of the debates (on both sides), read a lot of tidbits/info on each candidate and am still undecided.

Let me say this much for those who maybe haven't been following yet or haven't been reading blogs, etc. Blogs of course don't determine the elction, but trust me, I see a real real verbally agressive and determined nation (on both sides), and I have a feeling the talking heads are NOT paying much attention to.

My predictions: Although I don't look for either to "win", Ron Paul is soooooo popular on the Conservative blog sites and he will most likely get many many more votes than most think (at least in Iowa and/or/if until he drops out). I suppose this could in turn take votes away from another major Republican contender.

On the Dem side, Kucinch (who just today said if he doesn't win encourages his followeres to vote for Obama..so sounds like he's already giving up), will also receive a lot more votes than most think. However, just today, I am reading a lot of negative blogs about Kucinich making the statement today to vote for Obama. His followers are NOT happy.

One thing for sure, in my opinion, for whatever it is worth, I do really really think this will be an election of surprises. From what I can tell, people of both sides are so ready for a major change in our country, even if each side has different ideas as to how that change should come about. That, along with the real possiblity that we could get our first woman or first black President, makes it a very historic election.

I'm looking forward to it actually. Ok, my two cents and now I'm gonna "try" to bite my tongue and stay away from here, but of course can't make any promises. \:p


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon