Just two days to go to the Iowa caucuses! It will be very exciting!

I've been following the presidential election campaign very closely (for a European) during the last six-seven months or so. My choice has been quite clear ever since I got to know just a little about the candidates - the honorable and experienced John McCain. Therefor I've been happy with the development during the last couple of weeks, with his massive surge in New Hampshire, where he challenges the very unpleasant Mitt Romney. Apart from McCain, I think that Joe Biden is a competent guy, but sadly he has no chance in a quite dull democratic race.

So, I'm turning to you Americans here, what is your view on the GOP and democratic races? How will you place your vote?

"Nobody ever mentions the weather, can make or break your day.
Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play"
"Hello hello it's good to be back, it's good to be back"