Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Well, I got back home about an hour ago after a very nice dinner with my family. It was especially nice because we did a lot of reminiscing of Christmas's past and shared old photo albums, etc. and had a lot of laughs. I'll tell you though, I don't want to eat for a week. I'm so full. It was a very long day and I think all the eating made me tired. \:p It's good to be back home.

Santa was very good to me. I got perfume, jewelry, two sweaters, gift certificates, Bourne Supremacy video(which I was looking forward to getting)money (from my parents).

Cute little sidenote: My youngest grandaughter (3yrs) opened one of her gifts which was a dog with batteries that speaks, sits on command, burps (this dog even pees, if you can believe that) Her comment after she opened it was "this is what I wanted my whole life." So cute!!! 3 yrs old and that's what she dreamed of her whole life.


I know just what you mean I don't want to see another cookie,cake, candy or turkey for a long time! I am full of it!
BUT, had a great time enjoying it all!
Hope everyone had a safe & happy Day! \:D

Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash Fan!