Originally Posted By: Beth E
A little boy is in court for a custody trial. His parents abuse him, so the judge has to decide where to place him.

Judge: "It appears the parents are unfit, so this court is awarding custody to the grandparents".

At this time the boy starts crying hysterically and causing havoc.

Boy: "No judge you cant' do that. You don't understand. My grandparents beat me worse than my parents".

Judge: "I have quite a dilema. I was not aware of this fact. I'll have to think of another solution. In the short term, temporary custody will be given to the aunt and uncle".

Again, the boy starts crying and is very emotional.

Boy: "You cant' do that either. My aunt and uncle beat me worse than my grandparents.

Judge: "Oh my. This situation is very dire. This calls for drastic measure.

The boy thinks a minute and says. "Give me to The Baltimore Ravens. They don't beat anybody".

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