Bah, SCARFACE is truely one of the best gangster movies of all time. I mean its been super-popular for almost 21 years, and for a film to be still raved by people and new fans that converted to the Church of Montana all the will stick around like the GODFATHER films have(for more than 30 years!)

Really, There has been 4 great gangster films in the last 35 years, being THE GODFATHER and THE GODFATHER PART 2, SCARFACE, and GOODFELLAS.

I mean the film's fanbase reaches across all ethnic, racial, and economical lines, and not just corporate gangsta wanksta rappers(aka Fake "Gangsters"). SCARFACE also built a fervent and devoted following among viewers who, perhaps seeing themselves as disenfranchised in much the way Tony is when the story begins (and admiring his blunt humor and honesty as a character), embraced him as nothing less than a hero. I wouldn't go that far, but I dig the movie.

Besides, look at the film's pop culture statue. Its definately royalty, for how many times have we heard people quote in lousy supposed-Cuban accent "Say Hello to my Little Friend"?!?!

SCARFACE's scriptwriter, and THREE-time Oscar-winning filmmaker, Oliver Stone says about SCARFACE:

"A lot of young businessmen quote me the dialogue, and when I ask them why they remember it, they say, 'It's exactly like my business.' Apparently, the gangster ethic hit on some of the business ethics going on in this country. SCARFACE has probably got me more free champagne than any film I've ever worked on. I've bumped into Spanish and Jamaican gangsters throughout the Caribbean and South America and gay gangsters in Paris, who bought me champagne all night long. I've even read reports in newspapers where gangsters have modeled themselves on Tony Montana"

Finally, SCARFACE is Al Pacino's personal favorite movie of his. That's right, even over the GODFATHER films.

As I said before, time is the greatest of standardized tests in existance, and SCARFACE still carves up commies for fun with a high-flying passing grade.
Thanks to for Stone's quote.