Famous is relative... but here goes:

Many many a politician over the years - either at fundraising events or them visiting my various occupations.

George Bush the elder. Saw him at a campaign rally about 2 weeks prior to the election in '88. My son was 2 weeks old at the time and slept (like a baby) amongst the 10,000 or so people at the rally at the old Union Station in St. Louis. I still have a picture somewhere of George kissing my son.

Jack Kemp -- former Secretary of HUD, NFL Quarterback, and Presidential candidiate in '88. I worked on his campaign in Iowa. I probably saw every candidate running for election at the in '88 while in Iowa.

Met many Congressman (probably most no one has heard of from Missouri and Kansas) Cleaver, Moore, Skelton, Boyda, Ryun, et al and the Senators from said states -- Bond, Talent, McCaskil, Dole, Roberts, Brown. Some I have visited with in their office on the hill and some in their offices in their district. A few (Cleaver, Bond, Moore, Ryan have visited the ASF. I am actually workign with a couple to get an evil earmark LOL

I also met some small time preacher from Arkansas named Huckabee -- anyone ever heard of him??? Quick story -- he use to weigh about 100 pounds more than he does now. He developed Type 2 Diabetes and got his liofe back in shape (literally) He now runs marathons, etc... (in his spare time)

I once had drinks with Larry Craig at an airport in Minneapolis. I think he was trying to untie my shoe or something later on that evening when I was in the restroom.

Gotta run and will try to remember to post some other "famous" people I have met later on.