Yeah, take into account the purpose of trailers. They've got to get bums on seats, attract a market. They're quite indifferent to the actual consumption of the film itself, they just need to make enough money to profit. A lot of the time, then, they're going to be mere cash-ins, are going to go with whatever's in fashion. Pan's Labyrinth is a great film, but it was marketed to people in order to make money besides those who knew of the director outside of the Blade films - who would have gone to see it anyway.

It always amuses me when the trailers for subtitled films unfold without any dialogue, just some beautiful music, slow-motion scenes from the film and a word popping up on screen about love and destiny and all that crap. As soon as the characters open their mouths, the marketers know that it'll put people off. "Wait, this movie is foreign!?" Always gives me a chuckle that some will find out the hard way.

Last edited by Capo de La Cosa Nostra; 12/10/07 11:36 AM. com bold typeface rhetoric.
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