Originally Posted By: Irishman12
(First Viewing)

Not as bad as originally thought (better than HUDSON HAWK anyway). Ok, first of all, who was the genius to cast Geena Davis as a pirate? If one thing is true in this universe, its that Geena Davis is NOT and can NOT play a pirate! Matthew Modine I'll cut a little more slack as he was passable as a thief/pirate.

As for the film, a decent amount of action but by the Third Act it's tiresome. It should have and could have been cut by about 10-15 minutes and those fights at the end hurt the film rather than helped it. Now I'm waiting on CUTTHROAT ISLAND 2: THE AFRICAN ADVENTURE

Where art thou wikipedia and IMDB?

Renny Harlin = Director
Geena Davis = Wife of Director (at the time)

Its one of the most infamous flops in Hollywood history, and bloated by stupid shit done by Harlin.

And to think, it bankrupted Carolco, just 4 years after T2 made them a goddamn fortune.