Pacino has had his fair share of hits but also bombs.

Glengarry Glen Ross I found had a poor storyline but Pacino's part was probably the best in it, People I Know (A movie of his you didn’t put up) was also pretty poor, I didn’t really like the role Pacino played in that movie either. Angels in America not sure if you classify that a movie but so far I have only watched Part 1 of it, I’m a bit skeptical on the actual storyline thought Pacino's role in it apparently got an Emmy (?) so imp still looking forward to watching it.

And Justice for All is a great movie, Pacino plays the role superbly & is one the movies I enjoy watching Pacino in. Scarface was fantastic!! You also left out Heat which is a great movie also; I probably thought De Niro wasn’t better anyway.

But for myself I can’t go past The Godfather Trilogy, Godfather Part 2 in particular.