I don't know if it's too early or if there just isn't interest, but I had some time and took it upon myself to check around a bit. \:\) So here's a little info to toss around or dismiss or whatever, but I thought I'd start the ball rolling. \:\)

I did some random checking on Vegas on Priceline.
A r/t flight from NYC to Vegas was about $330 (could very well increase if gas prices go up). I wasn't sure that we've decided a month, but guessed August. I randomly put in the 1st & 2nd.

Below is Hotels.com link with prices for that weekend. They run around $100 - $200. Keep in mind if anyone shares a room it'll be half that. Also, keep in mind the price varies depending on when we go. if there is a convention, even though it's summer when rates are usually low, the price will skyrocket. Also remember, group rates may very well be possible as well.

"If" Vegas is in the running we should at least pick a couple potential dates to see if there is a major convention or something going on during that time.


Vegas Hotels

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon