Originally Posted By: BDuff
I liked it, a little short, but good none the less. Will you create any new characters? It will help fill the vacant Capo spots for the Curto and Baccalierei crews. Any news on Larry Barese? I'd also like to see the current status of the Lupertazzi Family.

Here's a little criticism, not trying to bash you. You seem to focus the mob stuff soley on three characters: Tony, Paulie, and Patsy. I know Sil is comatose and Bobby is dead, but you can create or bring minor characters into a bigger forefront.

I also doubt Tony would allow some of his soldiers to take FBI agents.

Here's to a good third episode.

Thanks for the review.

The first new character will be introduced in the next episode; while another one will be introduced in the coming episodes.

As for the Lupertazzi family, we will be seeing a lot of them from now on, just wait and see, and don't want to spoil anything.

And the minor characters will also be seen in the coming episodes.

"I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."-Michael Corleone.