Okay, here it is, the second episode of my version of a 7th SOPRANOS Season. The episode took me a lot of time to flesh out. I already planned out the next 4 episodes.

So here it is...

Episode 88: The Flip
Running Time: 50 minuted
RATED R 18+ (As if anyone gives a shit)

As the title sequence comes to an end we see Christopher Molitsanti sitting down on a chair, comforting himself. He’s been staying at the Plaza for a couple of days to wash his mind off “some of this shit at work.” His hotel door knocks a couple of times and he gets up to open it. The figure we see is a big, not-so-skinny man; Tony Soprano. Chris embraces him with a lot of love; Christopher loved Tony like a father, not just a nephew or any other Capo from the crew. They had a certain bond together; but Tony had changed a bit, and Chris could tell just by the look on his face after embracing him. Chris offers Tony a drink, Tony refuses and takes a seat on one of the two available. The view is charming; New York City with all its beauty was right in front of him; Tony himself checked into a room like this “to take his mind of things” a couple of years before. Christopher hands Tony an envelope; which presumably contained money. “It’s a beautiful view you got up here.” speaks Tony, his nephew nods in agreement, “I thought I’d take some time off and enjoy myself, I’ve been working too hard, especially with Cleaver, I’m finally done with that motherfucker.” Tony gets up, and tells Christopher he wants to see him back at work soon, and earning more than before. A look of despair charges Christopher’s face; as Tony begins to move towards the door he reaches into his pocket and gets out a gun, which strikes Tony right in the back of his head. “I went to hell for you; I wish you actually deserved it.”
On the floor right next to the door lays Tony, in silence.

As he drives his car through a dark, and unnerving street Tony Soprano continued listening to the radio, he had just lost 10 grand on the last Jet’s game, those “motherfuckers, couldn’t even get the win.” It was a rainy night, on the woodlands, the rest of the street was deserted, and his car was the only one to be seen. An unknown object could be seen from far away as Tony continued drive at a high speed; the object turns out to be a human and Tony hit the brakes as fast as he could. The man was standing inches away from the car, starring straight forward. It takes Tony a couple of seconds to realize its Phil Leotardo; he continues to look straight forward. Tony moves back a couple of steps, he looks around him, but unfortunately there no one is around, the road is still deserted. Tony asks Phil if he wants a ride; Phil’s answer isn’t what Tony expected, “Go Fuck yourself, cocksucker.” Tony feels blinded and weak-kneed, and in a matter of seconds he tumbled to the floor, begging Phil for help; while Phil laughs at Tony, who continued to cry out for help.

Tony Blundetto threw out his cigarette while driving his car into the woodlands; it was an old 80’s Cadillac, but it still got the job done for Blundetto. On his right was Tony Soprano, who was speechless. The car makes its way into forest through the woodlands, but the sun was still shining. The aged Cadillac came to a halt in front of an old house; Tony Blundetto leaves the car, still in silence, Tony does the same. Blundetto walks over to the backyard, but Tony continues walking towards the front door, as he steps in to open the door, the sound of a bullet is fired, and Tony is blown away to the floor. Blundetto walks over to him; Tony’s face is bursting with blood.

Furio Giunta is having his usual dinner at Nuovo Vesuvio, accompanying him at the table is Tony Soprano who is enjoying his chicken parmigiana. Furio looks up at Tony with abomination, and finally speaks, “You know I wanted to fuck your wife, right?” Tony continues to eat joyfully, as if he didn’t hear anything that was said. But Furio doesn’t ignore him, he takes out a gun, and “BAM!” a shot hits Tony right on his throat; he falls over the chair, choking and screaming for help. Everyone is enjoying their dinner and no one even cares to look behind them at Tony, who was now dead. Relieved, Furio takes a seat at the table and continues his meal. At the kitchen we see Artie Bucco laughing at the scene of Tony dead; he too obviously enjoyed seeing him like that.

Tony sat in the car in silence; in the driving seat was Adriana. Adriana looks over at a terrified Tony, “He’s gonna be okay, he’s a strong kid.” Tears flood Tony’s eyes and face. Adriana grins and drives off into a forest; Tony notices something is going on, “Where the fuck are you taking me?” Adriana doesn’t answer; she continues on into the forest and stops the car; she gets out. Tony knows what is about to happen and struggles to get out of the car; he eventually does and runs on his knees crying for help; but Adriana with no mercy at all shoots him to death.

Tony woke up at the parking lot of the BADA BING, next to him is a dancer he was fucking the night before; she was still asleep. Tony wakes her up and tells her its time for her to leave. Tony’s cellphone rings, and it’s Carmella; who tells him she was “worried sick about him,” and tells him she called Paulie, but he said he didn’t know where Tony was. Tony tells her he’ll be home right away.

At the Soprano home Tony enters the kitchen and gives Carmella a couple of kisses, and has his usual orange juice drink. Carmella asks him where he was all night, Tony, obviously lying, tells her he was at the lawyers office discussing some important things. Carmella doesn’t buy it, but doesn’t argue either; she continues to cook their dinner. Up at the master bedroom Tony takes off his clothes and gets himself into the shower where he begins to think over the dreams he had in the car. While thinking he gets a little unbalanced, and feels unsteady he falls down in the shower; he has a panic attack.

At the hospital Dr. Cusamano talks to Carmella about Tony’s recent troubles; he is however petrified while asking her knowing Tony’s business. Carmella tells him he’s stopped seeing the shrink; Cusamano expresses to her that therapy is very important especially for his case, and that he needs to get back to seeing a therapist; he gives her the card of a male therapist. Satisfied, Carmella thanks Cusamano and leaves his office. At Tony’s hospital wing, Carmella informs him about the new therapist Cusamano told her about; but Tony’s has had enough and makes it clear he isn’t seeing those “ignorant cocksuckers ever again.” Carmella gloomily leaves the room while shutting the door with all the madness of the room, dropping Tony’s flower vase to the floor, and into pieces.

At the FBI hideout Carlo Gervasi looks out of his tiny window, trying to assure himself that no one is trying to get him “whacked.” Still uncertain of the situation, he opens his room’s door were he finds two men sitting on a chair, sleeping. Carlo Gervasi frantically shouts at the men and wakes them up; he tells them to “wake the fuck up and keep an eye out on him.

FBI agents are gathered around a table watching footage and photos of Tony Soprano and Johnny Sac. The footage cannot be heard, but it showcases both men talking at a funeral.

At The Soprano household, Tony has his usual ice cream while watching TV; Carmella enters the room and tells him someone called from the BADA BING, it’s an emergency. In a matter of seconds Tony was parking his car at the BING; Tony furiously walked into the empty office. Beyond entering he could feel something touch his hip, and standing behind him was Furio. Furio stands behind Tony with a gun in his hand aimed right at his hip. Furio pushes Tony to one of the seats, and personally makes himself comfortable on Tony's desk. He is still pointing the gun at Tony, "You miss me, Tony?" His accent was the same, and pretty much everything about hadn't changed. Tony looks at him, confused, and tells him to "go fuck himself" and that "you'll be dead in a matter of seconds." Furio laughs and shoots a bullet that hits a glass of wine that was placed next to Tony. But Anthony didn't move he did not even blink at what just happened, although deep inside his heart was pumping faster than ever.

Paulie’s ball throw wasn’t the best way to wake up Tony from the dream. Tony gets up looking at Paulie, he looked drunk and in a matter of seconds he was throwing up in the bathroom. When he got back out he jumped right back into the bed. Paulie takes seat on the edge of the bed and talks to Tony in a considerably low voice tone; “We know where our friend is.” Tony got up from the bed, and asks Paulie if he is talking about Carlo. Paulie nods and Tony arranges a meeting with Patsy at the BING to work things out.

At the FBI headquarters Carlo Gervasi sits around a table explaining to the agents the exact details of the NJ/NY war and the asbestos. The Fed’s are recording every word he says.

At a Pizza place AJ orders himself a couple of slices and gets back to his BMW car; he drives off at full speed, listening to music and eating his pizza. From a far distance three men can be seen crossing the streets. AJ doesn’t control his speed, and hits his brakes a little too late, flipping the car over and hitting the three men.

The scene is horrific; AJ is unconscious, while the three men are dead; Carlo Gervasi and two other FBI agents lay on the floor, dead. The camera turns to show us the FBI warehouse, and back to the three dead men. We zoom out of the scene. FADE OUT.

Episode 3 will be coming soon, maybe not on Sunday though.

Please read and review~

"I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."-Michael Corleone.