Kid? what the fuck? where i live (manchester) most people listen to rap and 2pac and all the rest of it. If i was a kid i would of followed the rest of em but no. i like GOOD music. and i said he's dead what didn't u see that bit? to be honest nobody on this cares about 2pac. and u come out "look at this 2pac and scarface shirt"
and it says gangsters on it or something like that i don't believe 2pac was a see gangsters do organized crime. and a gangsta just doesn't he gets in his car goes lookin for some1 to shoot anyone they don't care just anybody.
so can you please stop posting your shit that nobody wants to hear about on here.

Who's keyzer soze?

How are thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil. Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles you eunich jelly thou.