I think idolizing someone is giving me more of a life then bashing someone all of the time that you know absolutely nothing about. I already took care of you in the other thread, so I see no more need in trying to embarrass you further. You guys don't understand that Tupac was the voice of our youth. Tupac didn't rap about what is rapped today. He didn't go, "Yo, I got my 32 in rims and cars. Lets go fuck hos and smoke all day. I'm a rubberband man and I'm feeling tipsy while I'm in da club." That wasn't Tupac. You hear this shit today and think that is what he was like. Were some of his songs about drugs? Yeh. Did he call some women bitches? Yeh. What guys don't call some women bitches? He said it himself, "I love women and I wouldn't hurt them. People think that when I call a woman a bitch, I think they're all bitches. No! Alright? That's not what I think. I'd never call my mom or sister a bitch. Just some women are bitches. They take a man's money and break his heart. There are guy bitches too." Tupac was our voice. Tupac spoke when we couldn't be heard. We lost a prodigy when we lost Tupac. Like I said, I can't make you like him, but if you're not going to give it a chance, then it's your loss for being so ignorant. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur