Wow. Please refrain from yelling at me, little man. Scarface (Tony Montana) is a fictional character and how wasn't he a coward? He sold drugs to make his life better, rather then his society. If you think Tupac was an "annoying rapper," then I pity you for not having the intelligence to understand his literature. BTW, Tupac is dead in case you didn't know. If Tupac was a coward, he would've killed himself in the pen. Did he? No. He came out to be the most inspirational rapper of all time. He went down fighting. He was a soldier. "A coward dies a thousand deaths. A soldier dies but once." -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur