Do you realize what an idiot you're making out of yourself? Three people are telling you to grow up and in another thread the administrator has told you to cut the bullshit... And you're still ranting and throwing a tantrum like a little kid? Are you that stubborn? Are you that thick?

I don't remember getting "emotional." Was I crying? No. Was I showing anger? No. Was I showing joy? No. Okay, no emotions to be entitled "emotional."

Immature? I'm not the one hurling insults like a second grader.

Here we go again -- "GET A GIRL ARE YOU GAY?" Do you realize how stupid you sound? Really, cut the senseless insults. How would you know what friends I have or if I've been "laid?" Are you monitoring me? Are you watching me? Oh, no... You're using idiotic and belligerent assumptions to hurl insults at people you don't know. I get it.

You bash me for arguing on the internet, yet who's the one who keeps replying with insults? Yeah, exactly -- that's what I thought.

Grow up. It's getting old really, really fast.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw