Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
As for your use of LOL (and this is an observation, not a criticism), I usually take it to mean a shorthand way for "oh well".

Nope I mean it literally as in "laughing out loud" because I found whatever funny, but like Wiki says, most people mean LQTM (laughing quietly to myself).

Appreciate the invite. Maybe if movie discussion jumps off big-time then I'll join.

Fair enough, though with an answer like that it bewilders me why you post in this thread (and mostly specifically to me).

Other than answering your question yesterday and replying first to your comment about dubbing, I think I haven't replied to you in this thread since July 27 (skimmed my own posts real quick). Since then I think just "talked" to Ice, RRA, and especially SVSG and Irish.

The reason why I'm still posting here, despite what I assume you mean that movie discussion isn't necessarily going full blast here either, is that I've been a member here a little over a year. What'll take me joining a new forum in FCM is lots of discussion. Kind of like what marketers say, "It's cheaper keeping existing customers than getting new ones."


Plus I saw you and SVSG making fun of me and my faves vs. best/greatest stance in, I think, a recent favorite actors thread which irked me. Just being honest.

Alright, I'll be honest back: that wasn't said with you in mind (the post is here), but was originally posted in response to JGeoff and that argument in general. You're nowhere to be seen in that thread.

Apologies. I am an idiot. I've also revealed that I'm narcissistic in thinking that you guys were making fun of me.