TS -- shut up and read into the posts more. I never said YOU or PAT claimed to be 'gangstas,' I was talking about TuPac. Pay attention.
Shut the Fuck up I addressed me and Pat and then I addressed Pac you pay attention you fuck.

Scarface has nothing to do with rap. Which is why me, Lombardi and many others loathe it.
He has everything to do with rap, and living in a ghetto. Most Rappers come from the Ghetto. Scarface showed that you can go from nothing to something just like most rappers have from ghettos and projects. Tony came from the gutter so did Tupac. Tony Rised to the top so did Pac. Tony died because he wasn't careful and guess what... so did Pac. Rap has everything to do with Scarface and I believe that if Scarface had not be created Rap would not be what it is today.

Which is why you, Lombardi, and many others should ignore posts about it. -Pat

'jou think you can take me, 'jou need a f*cking army 'jou gonna take me!
-Tony Montana

I'm Tony Montana, you F*ck with me, you f*ck with the best!