Originally Posted By: Irishman12
(First Viewing)

This is probably one of the most torturing psychological movies I've ever seen, and I loved it. The two main characters go to great and extreme lengths to get their point across that just leaves the audience shaking it's head at how sadistic and disturbed these characters truly are.
 Originally Posted By: svsg
Only 2 1/2 stars for oldboy \:o
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Yeah, after I watched it I was a little confused on how I would rate it but I probably wouldn't go higher than

I rented this because of I12's description and watched it tonight. I know I've said that I love psychological thrillers -- and still do. And I've said many times that I like "bad" movies, and still do. But this, to me, goes well beyond "bad"...

First off, DO NOT -- I REPEAT -- DO NOT watch the English dubbed version of this!! Did Adam West do the voice over, WTF???!! After an hour of cringing I switched to the Korean with subtitles. A little better. Maybe that's what made me almost turn it off without finishing it; maybe had I just went with the subtitles I'd've thought a bit more highly of it.

Sure, the story was clever and there were some good shots. But there were also some really BAD shots, and some really bad nonsensical errors that really made me cringe how -- unless I'm missing something here -- the director must've fucked up. The guy gases the room with the window wide open with a breeze blowing in? Sounds effective. There was something else even more ridiculous that I can't recall now. But in general, despite the great idea -- it was not, IMHO, told as well as it could've been, and certainly wasn't paced very well. The 53 endings could've been cut down to like 1 or 2. It doesn't take 2 hours to tell this story -- especially when there's no terror being conveyed on screen -- or at least felt by me watching it. It was almost like a comic book, but that'd be an insult to comic books.

8.3/10 on IMDb and 3.7/5 on Netflix? Multiple awards? Maybe I am missing something here. But IMHO, I thought it blew. So there. \:p


I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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