Here we go, the first Episode of my "Season opener" in my version of a 7th Season of The Sopranos. I hope you all enjoy it.

RUNNING TIME: 40 minutes

The episode opens with the famous title sequence and music that we have all come to love.

After the title sequence we fade into a hallway. A man, unknown is walking in the hallway of a hospital. The camera zooms out to reveal the face of, Tony Soprano. Tony stops at a room on his left. Silvio Dante is lying down in his bed, unconscious. Tony grabs a chair and takes a seat next to him. A tear drops down his eye, seeing his childhood friend lying their, knowing nothing, seeing nothing, living in another world.


A young, 12 year old Tony Soprano is wondering the streets of Jersey. He might have been 12 years old, but the way he looked, you’d think he was 22, not 12. He stops walking as his eye catches the sight of another young kid, maybe a little younger than Tony. Tony runs over to the kid who is practicing playing a guitar. Tony clasped the guitar with both hands and smacked the kids head with it. The boy falls over to the ground, in terrible pain. He gets up and punches Tony, who is tripped over and falls on the ground, both boys continue there fighting until a car finally stops and picks up Tony. It’s Johnny Boy’s car.

“The kid got 20 stitches. 20 fucking stitches, what are we going to do now, ha?”
Johnny Soprano was obviously a little high tempered right now. “The kids a fucking orphan, he owed you 12 bucks, so what?”
Tony is seated opposite Johnny on the sofa. He pretends he is paying attention, just to get the hell out of their as fast a possible.


Back at the hospital Tony grins at his thought. It was only the second time he had met Silvio.

In front a safe house three dark colored cars come to stop. Six men exit each car, and one of them is Carlo Gervasi. The five other men make sure he makes it to the safe house in one piece, and only four of the men come back to the cars. The other two stayed, to guard him.

The next morning at BADA BING Tony, Paulie and Patsy discuss Silvio’s conditions. “The poor guy, he could be gonna any second now. Very sad to thing about, Ton,” where Patsy’s words about Silvio. While Paulie continued to play pool. The door of Ton’s office knocked, and Benny Fazio entered with their breakfast. Patsy thanks him, and he asks Tony is he wants anything else. Tony tells him he doesn’t and Benny leaves. “So hard would it be for us to get Carlo?” Tony asks Paulie, and Patsy. Patsy tells him he that Carlo is being transported in very high security, and it would be hard to get “the prick”. Paulie bites a peace of his sandwich, and takes a seat in front of Tony, and tells him he we try and follow the cars and see exactly when, and how they leave.

Los Angeles. Hollywood. Beverly Hills. What more could you ask for? Well, AJ obviously could. At his hotel room, AJ is awakened by the knock on the door. He opens up and it’s Morgan Yam, the director of Little Carmine’s new movie, and AJ is the development executive. Morgan tells him Carmine’s waiting for him at the breakfast lounge. Frowning, AJ shuts the door, and gets himself into some clothes.
The Lounge was huge, hundreds of people where having their breakfast. AJ and Morgan both walked over to Carmine Jr.’s table, where they both take a seat. Carmine stops reading a script he was obviously enjoying. “I got to tell you Morgan, this is the best porn script I’ve ever read.” AJ roles his eyes, after hearing Carmine’s words, “they use scripts for porn?”
Carmine turns to AJ, “Of course, we use scripts for everything. How would you know when to—“ AJ interrupts Carmine by telling “He doesn’t give a shit how these scripts are written.” Carmine Jr. finally announces that production on the film is officially underway, and that the actors have all been selected, filming will begin next week.

It was a cold night, and Uncle Junior sat in his room’s balcony, on his wheel chair, we a supervisor behind him. He began shivering unnoticeably, and he falls asleep. The doctor notices that he slept, and walks out to the balcony to take him back in. As she pulls the wheel chair back into the room, Uncle Junior’s body fell on the ground.

At The Sopranos house, Meadow and Carmela were both watching a show on TV when their home phone rang. Carmela gets up to answer. It’s the hospital, Uncle Juniour has passed away. Stunned, Carmela asks which hospital it is, and hangs up. She runs up the stairs to here room where Tony is asleep, she wakes him up and breaks him the news. Tony is stunned too. “He’s dead? What happened?” He gets out of bed and goes to get some clothes on.

At the hospital, Tony talks with one of the doctors about the cause of death. The dead corpse is taken out of the emergency room, and Tony stands their watching his Uncle, his father best and closest friend, one of the first members of the DiMeo family.

New Jersey, 1962

Giovanni Francis "Johnny Boy" Soprano, Corrado “Juniour” Soprano, and Dominic DiMeo are all sitting in a warehouse. They are planning out the “whacking” of one of their Capo’s, Alberto Le Grovanni. Corrado Soprano had seen him talking and collaborating with The Paglieri Family. “He’s always out with his gumar on Saturdays. He stays at here place too that night,” says Giovanni Soprano, who was given an objective by Dominic to follow Alberto for over three weeks.
Dominic was now positive that Alberto working with the Paglieri family, and has been his death for over two days now. Johnny Boy and Juniour Soprano would hold out the execution, tomorrow night, at his gumars house.

It was a cold night, only two days until Christmas, and there they where, both Soprano’s where in a 1961 Cadillac which Giovanni had bought for Corrado last Christmas. They watched from the car, as the car was parked a couple of feet away from the house, on the other side of the road. Alberto was supposed to be their half an hour ago. “You think he might have found out some way?” Johnny Boys ask Corrado. “Fuck him, he’ll be here. Didn’t you say he always comes here on Saturdays?” Johnny Boy nods, and Junior’s answer was to the point, “Then fucking wait.” Finally, a light colored car came to a halt in front of the gumars house. “It’s them,” says Giovanni in a very confident tone.
Alberto and the gumar are flirting and laughing as they make their way to the door. Alberto was obviously a little drunk. “The motherfucker had too much wine; he won’t put up a fight.”

Corrado Soprano got out of the car, and took a wire in this hand. Johnny Boy followed in his footsteps, with a gun.
Corrado knocks on the door continuously, until Alberto opens the door. “Hey, can we come in. Dominic told me to deliver you an important message.” Alberto looks at both of them suspiciously, but tells them to come in. As he turns around to walk in, Corrado gets out the wire and strangles Alberto. Alberto tries to fight for his life, but it’s too late, Corrado had complete power of him. The gumar ran into the hallway and began to scream at the scene. Johnny Boy shoots the bitch to death. Alberto and the gumar are both lying next to each other. DEAD.


At Uncle Juniors funeral there where hundreds of people. Tony was standing next to his family, and Janice. The heads of the five New York families were all there to pay their condolences. Paulie, Patsy, and many of the Soprano family crew stood a little farther away, in silence. Corrado was a respected man by many, and his was the boss of the family for a couple of years no one will easily forget him. People are walking around giving their condolences to Anthony Soprano. While in a van standing away from the scene, Three FBI agents are identifying the men at the scene with the help of Carlo Gervasi. The camera zooms out at the scene of the funeral, while we hear Carlo helping them identify the men. FADE OUT.

The episode was pretty much completely re-written from what I had last week. It took a very different direction than I had previously planned. It might be a little short, but I just didn’t want to jam a whole lot into the Season Opening Episode. NEXT SUNDAY might be a back-to-back episode. But I won’t be sure until I see how much school work I’ve got. See you all NEXT SUNDAY, with an ALL-NEW Episode.

Last edited by The Mob; 11/18/07 11:05 AM.

"I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."-Michael Corleone.