(First Viewing)

Wow, the Coen brothers are back in a big way! Everything positive you've heard about this film is absolutely true. This has got to be their best film since THE BIG LEBOWSKI and could contend with FARGO as their best ever. What I loved most about the film was the fact their isn't a lot of dialogue. The first half of the film is a great cat-and-mouse game that is so intense and the actors are providing the right emotions to strike excitment and fear in the audience without saying anything.

Josh Brolin was awesome as the southern gentleman, Llewelyn Moss, who stumbles upon this little stack of cash. However, the show belonged to Javier Bardem. He owned this film! I was only briefly familar with his work in COLLATERAL as Felix and I'm glad he was given a bigger American/English speaking role. Finally, I've always enjoyed Tommy Lee Jones' work. Definitely in my top 10 for the year and probably in my top 5.