Originally Posted By: Irishman12
 Originally Posted By: The Iceman
I just watched Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof

Man was that a mistake.

I hated the way it was filmed, lousy editing, lousy acting, and lousy plotline(if you can call it that)

Hell I've seen better acting and better plotlines in porn films, and that's saying something.

Have you seen Robert Rodriguez'a PLANET TERROR? GRINDHOUSE was my favorite film of the year and between the two, I liked DEATH PROOF more but that's just me.

You know, more and more I actually despise GRINDHOUSE.

For a 3 hour wank-fest to Z-grade double features of the days, spending $70-80 million is sort of hypocritical, isn't it?

Hell, QT's RESERVOIR DOGS and RR's EL MARIACHI or DESPERADO were more Grindhouse than GRINDHOUSE.