Not really to be honest,i posted this because it breaks my heart to think that he and some other kids i know are involved in this sort of behaviour and it is on the increase and sadly i cant see it ever stopping but only getting worst,in England we have a court order called a ASBO (Anti social behaviour order) these are meant to make kids behave but they are now the cool thing to have so more kids are commiting crimes to get one of these ASBOS its beyond belief,my parents try to keep my brother away from the gang element after school but when he is at school there is not much they can do because the school really dont give a crap he was playing truant from school for two weeks before the school even realised he wasnt there they then complained to my parents but like my mum said she can drop him off at the gates but after that she cant make him stop in class thats the schools job,its a sad state of affairs to be honest

If i come across the table and take your f*****g eyes out ,will you remember

Aniello Dellacroce
TFI 2nd Bday - Dj Topgroove + Mc Domer

TFI Lucky Star

Happy Hardcore DJ Hixxy