Originally Posted By: chopper
This is really awful,unfortunetly now more than ever gangs are talking over the streets and estates in many areas of England the streets are no go areas after dark and in some parts even in the day time its just so sad.

A FATHER of three was kicked and punched by a gang of youths before being left for dead, a court heard yesterday.

Garry Newlove, 47, had gone out of his house to complain to youths who had been making life a "misery" for his family.

Mr Newlove, a sales manager, of Warrington, was attacked by the gang on 10 August, Chester Crown Court heard. He died of head injuries two days later.

Four youths, two aged 17, one aged 16 and a 15-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, deny murder. Adam Swellings, 19, of Crewe, denies murder, but admits manslaughter.

Michael Chambers, QC, prosecuting, said: "Garry Newlove's street had been plagued by gangs of youths indulging in anti-social behaviour fuelled by cheap alcohol, causing a disturbance and vandalising cars.

"He had the courage to go out and face them, but they were in no mood to be challenged. He was no match for their combined assault."

Chopper, you don't need to answer this if you find the question too personal. I remember you mentioning once in a thread that your brother was affected by some street gang. Is he okay now?