I understand where you're coming from SB. However, in all fairness to A-Rod, he's been healthy throughout his career. He's played a minimum of 129 games every year since 1996. He also has averaged 43 home runs over that period of time. Not many other players in MLB can say the same in terms of games played and home runs hit. The major advantage for A-Rod is he's still young (he's only 32), will be a major draw for the new Yankee Stadium in 2009, and he's currently the most likely candidate to break Barry Bonds home run record in a couple of years.

As for Bernie, as much as I love the guy, there wasn't anywhere for him to go. I don't remember if he would have come off the bench but his outfield skills were too far gone. He could have DHed with Giambi but in all honesty, there wasn't any room for him. I love Bernie and it's nothing personal but how much would he have helped the team really?