Originally Posted By: Irishman12
(First Viewing)

A documentary comparing the highly profitable American health care industry to other nations, and HMO horror stories.

Again, another fantastic documentary by Michael Moore (he's my favorite documentary director BTW). He yet again appeals to me with another controversial topic that is near and dear to me, health care. The film shows our lack of support for citizens of the United States due to corporations wanting to line their pockets with profits (f*ck the patients). He also shows us Canada's system, France's (which is rated the best in the world by some), and Cuba. Yes our 90-mile away pal has better health care in their country than we do. Unfortunately, I know many will be turned off of this film due to their hatred of Michael Moore but I've always enjoyed his work. Whether you agree or disagree with him, watch this film if you have any care for the health care "given" in this country.

I saw this last night on dvd, and I must say, it was excellent. Although I still think going into Havana was over the top, even for Moore, it was very enlightening. It's a very disturbing film on many levels, but Moore knows when to bring the funny. A must see for anyone living in the United States.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.