I was gonna post my Godfather IV script too, but like yours, it became a mess.

My idea for a Sopranos movie was kinda out there...

Carlo is tracked down and killed very quickley in the script. Sil is back as Consigliere (in a wheel chair). Paulie is struggling being a Capo and Underboss, causing stress + weight gain. Larry is finally done with house arrest and wants his turf back. Junior has died. Patsy's ego is becoming too large for some family members. Two new Capos emerge for the Baccaliere and Curto crews. Butch DeConcini has trouble making friends with commission. The don of Philly offers Tony two of his Atlantic City casinos because "he wants out", but his young Underboss reaches out to Butch during the same time.

Janice tries to keep custody of Bobby's kids. Meadow feels she has made a mistake leaving for law. AJ's manages to screw up again, but Tony won't be so forgiving this time. Carmela comes to some realizaions over some missing people.

"When my time comes, tell me, will I stand up?"
Paulie "Walnuts" Gaultiere - The Sopranos