(Second Viewing)

3 words sum up this movie for me: better than expected. Since day one I was against the idea, especially when I heard it was going to be PG-13. However, this time I was able to view the unrated version which did bring me back with McClane. However, still at times it seems like guys were sensoring themselves and should have dropped some more F bombs. The language started off slowly and wasn't very noticeable towards the beginning. But by the end you saw a glimpse of what a DIE HARD movie used to be. I also appreciated the action scenes more this time around and this version (the unrated that is) is probably the second best action film of the summer behind only Michael Bay's masterpiece, TRANSFORMERS.

Justin Long did a great job in a big Blockbuster movie providing the humor outlet and Mary Elizabeth Winstead continues to grow as well. The Kevin Smith cameo was a nice touch but what impressed me the most with the film was Timothy Olyphant as the villain. I'll always remember him from SCREAM 2 as Mickey and he's done some fine work on HBO's DEADWOOD series, however I haven't seen him in many movies recently.