Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Face it, if "they" want "they" can say whatever and up it to $5.00 per gallon and we once again are fu*cked .


TIS, what letter is the asterisk replacing?? I think you need a hug.

DC, my esteemed colleague, drill, drill, refine, refine....isn't that part of the problem? That's a band aid. Where are the long term solutions? Where is the long term plan to convert to solar, wind, water....and dare I say it..Nuculer.
Where are the government sponsered messages to conserve; 55 mph speed limits, remove every other light bulb, lower the thermostat in winter, raise it in summer, ride a bike, walk, TELECOMMUTE (remember that one?) There are no government sponsored messages because our government doesn't care. They have their own agenda and it ain't conserving energy or finding alternatives....there's no money in that.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12