Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: MaryCas
oh, and BTW, does anyone know how much investment $$ Bush and Cheney have in the oil industry?

MC, I'm not particulary defending the Bush family here, but I am also sick and tired of hearing people make these kinds of remarks.

So in truth the theory of the Bush family manipulating the price of Oil is in fact a weak theory.

the Investor Funds are the ones that are guilty of having the power to really manipulate the price of Oil these days.

To blame the Bush family for the rising price of Oil is just the reaction of those who really have no understanding of what has been going on in the oil industry over the last 3 or 4 years. And that is in no way a knock on you or anyone else that doesn't because the average person really doesn't know what takes place in the oil industry/investment world as a whole.

So, I guess you don't know the answer to my question. And I don't BLAME the Bush family and I don't have THEORIES. But what I am SICK and TIRED of is the endless parade of gas guzzling, oil sucking vehicles and a "civilized" world that is controlled and manipulated by rich, greedy, self-serving politicians and industrialist. The general public is stupid and easily manipulated. We elect officials to protect the general public, but short term gain for them is equating to long term loss. Forget that slippery slope, we're spiraling into the great abyss.

I'm not looking at the past 3 or 4 years. I'm looking at the past 35. Go back to the energy crises of the mid and late 70s. Lessons not learned. The future of the planet is not in fossil fuels.....or should I say, not in the way fossil fuels are controlled and utilized today. And in that regard, what is Bush's plan? a war? I don't recall hearing anything else.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12