Nothing major on my end other than completely wasting money on good food i ruined... I keep a fire extinguisher on hand, never had to use it, I guess the biggest mishap was trying to make paella once and just wound up eating the seafood and throwing out most of the rice... emeril often says "the best part about cooking, is that you still get to eat even if you made a mistake"... true, how good it tastes is another issue... but nothing worse than paying top dollar for a piece of seafood or steak and then just destroying it because you didnt take the time/thought/planning to do it right... entering november this reminds me why i never cooked a turkey, one of these days maybe, but till now, going over friends or relatives has worked just fine and just as well as roitesserie turkey from the supermarket... LOL

"There are 2 types of people in the world, Italian, and those who wish they were Italian."

# # # JRCX