It's been great reading this stuff-You guys all brought to light great performances-I cant believe I didn't mention Ed Harris in EMPIRE FALLS-Loved it! DeNiro could also be mentioned for Awakenings.

Jimmy Stewart

It's A wonderful Life
Rear Window
The Philadelphia Story
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
MR.Smith Goes To Washington.

Humphrey Bogart

The Caine Mutiny
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Maltese Falcon
The African Queen

Robert Duvall

Tender Mercies
The Apostle
Lonesome Dove
Open Range
The Paper

Kevin Costner

Mr. Brooks
Open Range
Bull Durham
Field of Dreams

Meryl Streep

The Bridges of Madison County
Angels in America
Out of Africa
Kramer vs. Kramer

Jack Nicholson

A Few Good Men
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
The Pledge
About Schmidt